- +90 501 330 94 86
- astanasempozyum@gmail.com

1. The presentation can be given in one of the presentation languages (Turkish, English, Arabic, Kazakh, Uzbek, and Russian).
2. The presenting author/authors must register as participants.
3. If there is a soft presentation file to be used during the presentation, it must be submitted to the session coordinator before the session.
4. The allotted time for oral presentation is 15 minutes.
5. A question and answer session may be included at the discretion of the session chair.
Authors who cannot attend the symposium in person can present their papers via video. Participants who want to present via video must prepare their paper abstracts in Word format and submit them within the specified dates. Accepted video presentations, recorded in Mp4 or a similar format and not exceeding 15 minutes, must be sent to astanasempozyum@gmail.com by November 10, 2023.
Authors who cannot attend the symposium in person can present their papers through Zoom. The Zoom conference link will be sent to the authors who prefer online presentation by November 10, 2023.
1. Posters will be placed on boards designated by the Symposium Organizing Committee.
2. Assistance will be provided to poster owners for mounting the posters on the boards.
3. Poster owners will provide information or explanatory text about their work during the specified hours in the program.
4. Posters should be a maximum of A0 size (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm). The text should be legible from a distance of at least one meter.
5. At least one of the authors must be present at the poster during the presentation date.
Abstract: The abstract should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, and consist of a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 300 words.
Keywords: Up to 5 keywords should be provided for each paper.
Paper Size: A4 Portrait
Both Turkish Abstract and English Abstract must be included. However, if the Full Paper is to be written in one of the other presentation languages, a Turkish abstract must also be provided.
The abstract must include the title, author information (title, name-surname, institution, Orcid No, email).
Margin Sizes
Top Margin: 3 cm, Bottom Margin: 3 cm
Left Margin: 3 cm, Right Margin: 3 cm
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: Title 12, Abstract and Text 11, Footnotes 9 point
Paragraph Spacing: 6 pt
Line Spacing: Text 1.15, Footnotes single-spaced
1. The poster should be a maximum of A0 size (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm).
2. Margin sizes: 2 cm from top, bottom, left, and right.
3. The congress name and logo should be in the top left corner of the poster, and the name of the presenter’s institution/university should be in the top right corner.
4. The poster title should be in Arial font, size 48, bold (it is recommended that the poster title does not exceed two lines).
5. Author name(s) should be in Arial font, size 28, bold.
6. Author affiliations and emails should be in Arial font, size 28.
7. The text can be presented in two columns or three columns.
8. Text headings should be in Arial font, size 24, bold.
9. Text should be in Arial font, size 24.
10. The poster should not exceed an introduction and three sections, followed by references listed in an index with smaller characters.
11. There is no color limitation for preparing the poster. Appropriate character sizes should be used for characters to be easily readable on figures, and the same characters should be preferred in all figures. Figures should be given in sizes that can be easily seen from a distance.
12. The APA style, including citation, references, and notation of figures and tables, should be adopted in formal aspects of preparing the poster.